IVR Voice Prompts-Phone Recordings
Lecia Macryn is a top-rated female voice talent and narrator who provides professional IVR Voice Prompts (Interactive Voice Response) and IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) recordings for most any type of phone system or IVR provider you may have. She also specializes in auto attendant recordings and voicemail greetings for all types of business and office phone systems. Lecia has over 20 years of experience as professional voice talent, narrator and announcer…and has been heard on phone systems worldwide. She has recorded thousands of IVR Voice Prompts for small businesses, large global corporations and call centers…enhancing their image with her pleasant, friendly, reassuring and professional voice.
All voice prompts are recorded and edited to perfection in her professional recording studio and converted into the audio format required for your system.
Whether you need just one IVR recording, or hundreds, Lecia can professionally record all of your business phone system greetings and company voice prompts such as: Main Business Office Greetings, After Hours Greetings, Holiday Greetings, Staff Extension Voicemail Greetings, Dial-By- Name Directories, Business Location/Hours, Survey Recordings, Employee Benefit Information, etc…
She’ll make your business or organization sound great!
Lecia also works extensively with larger businesses and organizations who may have more complex IVR requirements and menus such as banks, retailers, airlines and government agencies. In addition, her voice-over, narration, announcer and recording services can be used for auto attendant recordings, voicemail greetings, On-Hold Messages, all types of telephony recordings, Radio & TV commercials, E-learning, corporate videos, product demos and much more.
Your IVR voice recordings will sound professional and impressive over any phone system, whether it’s PBX, VOIP or Virtual PBX. Noises, pauses and breaths are removed so your recordings are delivered ready to load into your phone system. Lecia Macryn offers fast delivery of your IVR voice recordings!
Call for a FREE QUOTE and a complimentary CUSTOM AUDITION of your script! Learn more about all of the other voice-overs and narrations Lecia offers by visiting her SERVICES page.